Monthly Archives: December 2017

Tinsel's Travel Agency 🎅🏽 Christmas ASMR RP 🎅🏽 Pamela Tinsel

Welcome to Christmas at Tinsel’s travel a little town in Lancashire. North West England. Please take a seat. Pamela will be with you in a minute. Lotsa love…. love —————————————————————————————————————- 📚My ASMR Book – Unwind Your Mind: The Life-changing power of ASMR Published by Ebury/PenguinRandomHouse in the UK and Harper One in the US […]

Merida Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Mérida – Welcome to the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan. While much of the peninsula is famed for its resorts, Mérida is the epicentre of Yucatan culture, history and pride. When ready, browse vacation packages to Mérida: The peaceful paradise, #Mérida, features a blend of colonial houses and Mayan ruins between which […]